Azure Thursday
This is a group for all developers, consultants, architects and IT professionals who want to dive into for them unknown topics related to Azure. Azure Thursday are happening every first Thursday of the month and the format will be different every evening. From hand-on workshops to technical talks.
Our sponsors
6 June 2024
UTC+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
Leveraging the power of Managed Identity in Azure
Meetup June 2024
The authentication landscape in Azure has changed a lot. Traditionally applications used certificates, keys, passwords and many other things to be able to connect to external resources. Sometimes these methods still apply and are valid to use, but most of the time they can be insecure and are very annoying to maintain. These days authentication through identity is very popular and makes maintenance a joke. In this session I will show you what managed identities are, we will have a look into what the difference is between system-assigned and user-assigned identities and we will dive into an example application which leverages managed identities. We will also dive into using managed identities with Azure SQL Server and the quirks you need to think about.
Wesley Noordam
Wesley Noordam
Azure developer, Consultant at
6 June 2024
UTC+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam
Decoding EUC Hexagrid
Meetup June 2024
What the HEX is EUC?! In this 'decoding EUC Hexagrid' session, we will explore the beauty and the complexities of the End User Computing landscape. As the creator of the EUC Hexagrid, I look forward to sharing my insights on the latest trends and developments across the EUC landscape, vendor, and solution spectrum. This session will clarify the Hexagrid framework, help you understand how it can impact your IT strategies, and teach you about the latest developments in EUC. What you can expect
Ruben Spruijt
Ruben Spruijt
Field CTO, EUC strategy & alliances at Dizzion
Azure Thursday is a non-profit organization based in The Netherlands that organizes and empowers community events to share knowledge around the world. Striving to include everyone, by making our events inclusive and accessible.
Roel van de Grint
Roel van de Grint
Senior Software Engineer @ Capgemini
Luuk Mager
Luuk Mager
Cloud Solution Architect @ Heroes
Jorrit Meijer
Jorrit Meijer
Cloud Solution Architect
Roelant Dieben
Roelant Dieben
Owner @
Esther Barthel
Esther Barthel
Solutions Architect @ Cognition IT
Stefan Dingemanse
Stefan Dingemanse
Consultant at Brainpulse IT